Most of the courses ITEEN uses are adaptation of SEAN courses which are as follow

SEAN offers three main types of discipleship and training courses.

PRE-FOUNDATION courses. These are for new Christians or for those who need to consolidate the foundations of their faith and their grasp of the Bible. But these are great courses for a old christian too.

Abundant Life - nurture course for new believers
Abundant Light - an overview of the Bible

FOUNDATION courses form the central core of teaching for ongoing discipleship and leadership training.

Life of Christ - discipleship and training course in pastoral theology, comprising six books in all:

Book 1 - Introduction and Infancy
Book 2 - Year of Preparation
Book 3 - Year of Popularity
Book 4 - Year of Passion (part 1)
Book 5 - Year of Passion (part 2)
Book 6 - Risen Life

Jeremiah, Prophet of hope - An in-depth study of the Old Testament's message of hope overcoming despair and the promise of the Messiah

Paul's Life and Letters - comprising three books:
Book 1 - early life and first missionary journey;
Book 2 - Second missionary journey;
Book 3 - Third missionary journey, imprisonment and death

The Pentateuch - comprising two books:
Book 1 - Genesis: Abraham, his family and the Messiah;
Book 2 - Exodus to Deuteronomy: Moses, the law and the Messiah


SPECIAL TRAINING courses add further teaching in specific areas

Mercy, Mission and Me - the imperative of doing deeds of mercy as part of mission

The Spirit World - the freedom of Jesus Christ for people hurt, bound or oppressed by Satan and sin

Ephesians - a devotional course based on Ephesians (ENGLISH ONLY)

Bible Encounter Manual - a leader's training manual with 72 studies on Christian living

Feed My Lambs - how to lead and teach in children's church (ENGLISH ONLY)

Community Health - training children in community health (ENGLISH ONLY)

How to Preach

How to Prepare and Lead Services

Work for All - group Bible studies on work (ENGLISH ONLY)

Hebrew: Learn as you Read - a teach-yourself course, including audio cassette (ENGLISH ONLY)

ITEEN provides tools for discipleship and leadership development in the local church: training and empowering believers to know and serve God more effectively through disciplined self-study, group discussion led by trained tutors, and practical outworking.